Saturday, August 13, 2011

A Wonderful Guest Room

Carolyne Roehm is truly an expert on wonderful style and design in the home.  I have collected each of her books over the years and, often pore over the pages in order to infuse myself with lovely ideas.  She describes her passion for creating a wonderful guest bedroom in the following article.  The next time you have a guest in your home, take extra care to ensure that they feel welcome.

Guest Rooms Head
I shall never forget the first time I stayed in an amazing guestroom. It was in the 1970s in the Dominican Republic at the home of Oscar de la Renta and his first wife, the late Franscoise de la Renta. She was the consummate, chic French woman with great style and an eye for detail. Staying in her well-appointed room with its heavenly scent from classic Rigaud candles (nobody in the United States had high-quality scented candles in the '70s), delicate, paper-covered pencils from Italy, pristine linens and beautiful soaps, was like spending a weekend in a palace.

I learned so much by observing Franscoise. She was the first person I knew who really elevated this aspect of hospitality to the level I like to think I do now in my own home. Over the years I have honed in on what I consider to be essential characteristics of the perfect guestroom. From fabric-covered shelves and good quality hangers in the closet to a basket of washed fruit in the room, I strive to make every aspect of the guestroom well intentioned. Some might say I’m a bit of a fanatic when it comes to the details… In the high-flying '80s, one newspaper claimed that I even pumped the smell of fresh-baked croissants into my guestrooms! I laugh when people insist that I go to such extremes, but better that than having a reputation for scratchy sheets and already-used soap in the shower.  

As you prepare your home or beach house or boat for the summer season of entertaining and weekend guests, keep in mind that all of the small details, from good pillows to a stash of toiletries, add up and create an inviting and comfortable space. Making the extra effort says, “You are important to me, and I want you to have a nice experience.”

Carolyne Roehm
Carolyne Roehm

Carolyne Roehm

Carolyne Roehm
Pictures and Article are by Carolyne Roehm 

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