Monday, November 7, 2011

30 Days of Thankfulness 2011: Day 7

Welcome to 30 Days of Thankfulness, Day 7.  Please feel free to join Amanda Brown and I this month, as we partner together to give thanks.

Today, I am so thankful for my home and, for the comforts of dishwasher and, my washer and dryer.  Oh my!  Where would I be if I could not put dishes into my dishwasher or clothes in to my washing machine?

I think of all the people across the world who do not have these comforts.  My heart truly goes out to each and every one of them.

The next time you are loading your dishwasher or, placing dirty clothes in your washing machine...take the time to be thankful for these items.   

We could be washing our clothes in a river, on a rock...many people in Africa and, other third world countries wash clothes by this method.

I am thankful for my appliances!  So thankful!

1 comment:

Redfly Classroom said...

Hi! I'm Melissa from I'm contacting you to let you know that I've chosen you and 14 others to receive the "Versatile Blogger Award". You have been featured on my blog and named as a recipient. This award is passed from blogger to blogger as recognition for their hard work and ingenuity. I was awarded it a week or so ago, and now I've passed it on to you.